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Mraz, R., Kessler G. C., Gold, E., and Cline, J. G. “Enhanced Iceberg Information Dissemination for Public and Autonomous Maritime Use,” in World Academy of Science and Technology, International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering, Vol: 14, No. 4, 2020.

I.J. Davis, R.C. Holt, R. Mraz “Fact extraction from bash in support of script migration,” in Software Evolution Week - IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), 2014, Pages: 363 – 366. (Owl funded research at Univ. of Waterloo)

J. Menoher, R. Mraz “Secure Cross Border Information Sharing Using One-Way Data Transfer Systems”, Presented at ISGIG, the International Symposium on Global Information Governance in Pisa, Italy. 2009.

J. Menoher, R. Mraz “Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demo (CWID) 2007 Data Diode Case Study”, Invited Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2007 Presentation.

J. Menoher, J. Hope, A. Holmes, R. Cooper, R. Mraz “Transferring Large files in Real-Time”, Presented at the 2nd Int’l Workshop on Operating System Interference in High Performance Applications (OSIHPA), 2006. In conjunction with PACT-06.

D Freimuth, E. Hu, J. LaVoie, R. Mraz, E. Nahum, J. Tracey “Evaluating Batching for TCP Offload” in RC23894 of IBM Research Reports, 2005.

D Freimuth, E. Hu, J. LaVoie, R. Mraz, E. Nahum, J. Tracey “Server Network Scalability and TCP Offload”, in USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2005, Pages 209 – 222.

A.K.Iyengar, R. Mraz, M.E. Zurko “Performance Considerations in Web Security,” Chapter in Certification and Security in E-Services. IFIP – The International Federation for Information Processing, vol 127. 2002, Pages 57-71, Springer, Boston, MA.

R. Mraz, K Witting, P.M. Dantzig “Using SSL Session ID Reuse for Characterization of Scalable Secure Web Servers”, Technical Report RC 22323(Revised May 5, 2002), IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights, NY, September 2002.

R. Mraz “Secure Blue: an architecture for a scalable, reliable high-volume SSL Internet server,” in the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) Year: 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2001.

J. Yin, M. Yousif, R. Mraz. "Improving the Performance of the Tivoli Storage Manager with Threaded Hardware Compression" in RC21808 of IBM Research Reports.

R. Mraz, E Nowicki, M Thoennes “A high performance Get-Put interface for ATM communications”, In Proceedings of the Centre for Advanced Studies Conference (CASCON), 1998.

R. Mraz "A Methodology for Performance Analysis Using System Event Plots" in RC21281 of IBM Research Reports.

D. Freimuth, R. Auerbach, R. Mraz, E. Nowicki, D. Zumbo, M. Ritter (1997). "A Common Data Link Interface for a Prototype ATM Adapter" in RC20891 of IBM Research Reports.

L. Womack, R. Mraz, A. Mendelson “A study of virtual memory MTU reassembly within the PowerPC architecture,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 1997, Pages: 81 – 90.

R. Mraz, D. Freimuth, E. Nowicki and G. Silberman. "Using Commodity Networks for Distributed Computing Research" in RC20445 of IBM Research Reports (1996).

R. Mraz "Reducing the variance of point-to-point transfers for parallel real-time programs," in IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 20-31, Winter 1994.

R. Mraz “Reducing the variance of point to point transfers in the IBM 9076 parallel computer, “in Supercomputing '94: Proceedings of the 1994 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 1994, Pages: 620 – 629.

R. Mraz “The Effect of Operating System Scheduling on High Performance Message Passing Parallel Systems” in Proceedings of the 7th Intl  Conf on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems  (PDCS ’94)  Las Vegas, Nevada 1994, Pages: 100 – 104. (IDA Gov’t Contract).

R. Mraz “EUIm: A message passing library for the IBM power visualization system,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1993, Pages: 53 – 58. (IDA Gov’t Contract).

R. Mraz. A RISC Based Architecture for Real-Time Computation. Ph.D. thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, May 1992 available at

R. Mraz, G. Palmer, J.K. Strosnider “Analysis of architectures for fault-tolerant computation,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE Twenty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Year: 1991, Pages: 334 - 343 vol.1.

R. Mraz, M. White, J.K. Strosnider “A methodology to evaluate architectures for real-time control,” in the IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering, 1990 Pages: 449 - 453.

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